Jumat, 22 Maret 2013

Efficacy of Black Tea for Health

Drinking black tea may help protect against type 2 diabetes risk. This fact is obtained based on the analysis of research on the 50 states, where the state who drank black tea had the lowest incidence rate of diabetes. These countries include South Korea, Brazil and China. While countries with type 2 diabetes rates are high among them, Britain, Turkey and Ireland.

This fact is little relief given the incidence of type 2 diabetes has skyrocketed worldwide in recent decades. Even scientists projected, by 2030 there will be over 900 million people suffer from diabetes or associated with the risk of diabetes worldwide.

A researcher from the Data Mining International, Geneva, Switzerland, Ariel Beresniak, MD, PhD, said that if the studies showed consistent relationship between drinking black tea and the risk of type 2 diabetes. Unfortunately, it has not been proven if these two facts have a causal relationship. "The black might protect from diabetes, but more research is needed to prove it," said Ariel. Ariel also suggested that further research should also find consistent and linked by previous studies.

Some benefits of green tea for health

Green tea or what we know as Green tea is one of the widely used as one of the beverages that have various health benefits. Green tea which has the Latin name Camelia sinensis has long been trusted to dijjadikan natural remedies that can treat a variety of diseases or other health complaints. The content of antioxidants in green tea may help protect us from many diseases. And of course there are many more benefits of green tea consumption. Here are 11 benefits of green tea in the nutrients and nutritious nutrient for our health, including:
Caffeine content in green tea: caffeine content in green tea have the benefits of improving blood sikulasi, improve kidney function, improve concentration levels and stimulates the brain nerves to avoid Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.

Kamis, 21 Maret 2013

Benefits of Green Tea For Your Health

Benefits of Green Tea so much for health and beauty. So the tradition of drinking tea should we preserve and pass on to our successors. Drinking green tea every morning or afternoon can provide more benefits for the body.

Green tea is so important to us, sometimes green tea was never absent from your shopping list. Just do not excessive, because of excessive consumption of green tea will affect our fertility. Despite careful especially for those who do not have offspring.