Jumat, 22 Maret 2013

Some benefits of green tea for health

Green tea or what we know as Green tea is one of the widely used as one of the beverages that have various health benefits. Green tea which has the Latin name Camelia sinensis has long been trusted to dijjadikan natural remedies that can treat a variety of diseases or other health complaints. The content of antioxidants in green tea may help protect us from many diseases. And of course there are many more benefits of green tea consumption. Here are 11 benefits of green tea in the nutrients and nutritious nutrient for our health, including:
Caffeine content in green tea: caffeine content in green tea have the benefits of improving blood sikulasi, improve kidney function, improve concentration levels and stimulates the brain nerves to avoid Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.

The content of Vitamin C in green tea: the vitamin C content in green tea have proved useful to protect us from a variety of influenza viruses, reduces stress, protects the cornea of ​​the eye to avoid cataracts and help to lower high blood pressure.
The content of vitamin E in green tea: vitamin E may help us to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. The risk of premature aging of the skin can also be avoided. Vitamin E can help prevent the formation of fat in the blood vessels.
The content of vitamin B in green tea: B vitamins in green tea is very beneficial for the metabolism of carbohydrates in our body.
The content of essential oil in green tea: essential oil content in green tea can aid digestion and also helps in dissolving fat in our bodies.
The content of polyphenols in green tea: the content of polyphenols in green tea could help our digestion. and not only that, polyphenols can also help to lose weight for those of you who have overweight are advised to consume green tea. Dysentery-causing bacteria can be killed naturally by consuming green tea.
The content of chlorophyll in green tea: chlorophyll content in green tea can help us to kill all the bacteria in the mouth ynag cause bad breath, canker sores, etc..
Content of Fluoride in Green Tea: fluoride content in green tea may help us to prevent tooth decay.
The content in green tea Flavanols: contains flavanols have properties to strengthen blood vessels and serves as a good antioxidant.
The content in green tea Monocitrate: monocitrate content serves to prevent bad breath.
Content of catechins in green tea: catechin is very useful for lowering high blood pressure and blood sugar in our body. This substance can also help to improve kidney function and helps to lower cholesterol our body.
Benefits of green tea is very popular in many areas and in many countries because of the health benefits that can be gained by taking them. Surely we can start to consume green tea on a regular basis. Let's start a healthy life for the good of us all.

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