Kamis, 21 Maret 2013

Benefits of Green Tea For Your Health

Benefits of Green Tea so much for health and beauty. So the tradition of drinking tea should we preserve and pass on to our successors. Drinking green tea every morning or afternoon can provide more benefits for the body.

Green tea is so important to us, sometimes green tea was never absent from your shopping list. Just do not excessive, because of excessive consumption of green tea will affect our fertility. Despite careful especially for those who do not have offspring.

Green Tea as a beverage pep nutritious, great beauty is also used to treat skin. The content of tannin in green tea can change the color of the skin. For more details refer to the continued ya ....

Addressing Swelling in Eyes
Because antioxidants. How: Take two bags of green tea that has been dipped, place in the refrigerator for 10 minutes or let it cool. Use on both eyelids.
Dealing with Glaucoma
Antioxidant content makes the skin youthful and toned, to deal with serious problems, such as glaucoma. Green tea can reduce the symptoms of periodontal disease (inflammatory disease) infection that affects the gums and tissues supporting the teeth, which are associated with the development of other diseases, heart disease and diabetes.

Reducing Cancer Risk
Antioxidants in green tea efficacious keep cancer cells in the body. Suppress the growth of cancer cells, extinguish the formation of new blood vessels that tumors growing djadikan place.
Smoothes skin
The content of a natural antiseptic that can reduce itching and swelling. Including injury sunburned and so on. How: Apply a cotton pad that has been given the green tea to minor injuries such as scratches, bruises, or exposed to an animal bite.

Protect Skin
Green tea is consumed or applied directly to the skin to help block skin cancer. Having said that, quite a lot of moisturizer and sunscreen products that use green tea extract.

Lowering Blood Pressure
The content of theanine in green tea that is antihypertensive is the key to lowering blood pressure.

Protect Memory
Green tea can keep the mind in order not to daze. How to drink at least two cups of green tea a day
The content of vitamin E it will make the youth. And again young and healthy major blood vessels, the more young and healthy too green Anda.Teh can help smooth the blood vessels and reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke. Consumption of about 10 ounces per day.

Lose Weight
Green tea may speed up calorie burning in the body. For those who want to diet, choose green tea as a beverage each day, is a very proper and healthy.

Green tea is rich in benefits is much we encountered everywhere and also in its diversity. So it is easier for us if you want to take it daily. A wise man always chooses the best for themselves and their families, including in matters of choosing tea, choose green tea is rich in benefits. Read also the article about the benefits of Green Tea & use birth control pills. Hopefully the above benefits of green tea beneficial ... green tea and happy shopping

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